News & Solutions-The Advantages of ADSS Cable for Aerial Installations
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The Advantages of ADSS Cable for Aerial Installations
Release Date: 2023-04-23

ADSS (All-Dielectric Self-Supporting) Cable is a type of fiber optic cable that is designed for use in aerial installations, and it has several advantages over other types of cables for this application. Some of the key advantages of ADSS cable for aerial installations include:

No grounding required: ADSS is an all-dielectric cable, meaning it does not require any metallic components, so grounding is not necessary.

Lightweight and easy to install: ADSS is lightweight, making it easier to install and handle than other types of cables.

Minimal maintenance: ADSS requires very little maintenance once it has been installed, which reduces overall costs.

Long lifespan: ADSS cable is designed to last for many years, even in harsh weather conditions.

Cost-effective: ADSS cable can be a cost-effective solution for short spans.

Overall, the advantages of ADSS cable over other types of cables make it a popular choice for aerial installations, especially for short spans.

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